In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, you are advised that the personal data entered and sent by users will be recorded in a computerised file owned by Paletas Marpa Ltd., and may be used to allow access to certain web sites exclusively accessible to users registered on the reference web page, to process users’ orders placed, as well as to send them information on news and other services related to literature and leisure.
The personal details provided by the user are protected and their handling is restricted according to the Spanish legislation reflected in Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on Personal Data Protection. According to the applicable regulations, the data files are registered in the General Registry of Data Protection.
Paletas Marpa Ltd. assures the confidentiality of the details entered on this website and guarantees that in no case will it be handed over to third parties, unless expressly authorised by the user.
In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, dated 13th December, on the Protection of Personal Data, Paletas Marpa Ltd. website users may, at any time, exercise their access, amendment, cancellation and opposition rights. To do this, the user must make a request in writing only, to Paletas Marpa Ltd. Av. Jaime I nº15, Benifaió (Valencia) 46450.
Paletas Marpa Ltd., in accordance with the legal provisions, has adopted the security levels for personal data protection and has installed all the technical and organisational measures possible to avoid any unauthorised changes, loss, processing or access to the data, in accordance with the requirements of Royal Decree 994/1999, of July 11.